Here's Willa in her fancy party dress (sadly, the only time she's worn it so far!) on her way to her friend Abi's birthday party with her Dada while I was in Wyoming. Note, too, the birthday bow, complete with rainbow-colored cupcakes on it.
Below are some photos from Maine Maple Sunday, an all-state celebration in late March of the running of the sap. We hauled up to Steuben, in Downeast Maine, past Mount Desert Island, on a very chilly day, to Painted Pepper Farm:

where we heard a folktale about maple syrup in a tipi and petted some of the resident baby Nubian goats, from which the farm family makes fudge, chevre and artisan goat's milk gelato (oh, yeah, this is Maine, alright!):

And, because you asked, here I am today, at thirty-fourish weeks, all dressed up for a screening of a birth film at the local library that I organized for tonight:

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