Saturday, June 20, 2009

summer begins

Our life is a bit too crazy and exhausting right now for me to post much, but I did see something the other day I wanted to blog about: a guy, in his 20s, barefoot, sitting on a picnic table in the park that overlooks the harbor, masterfully flying a kite high above him. Pretty cool.

Last night we had a ritual to turn our friend and doula Ava into Jem's "fairy godmother." We crowned her with a wreath of wildflowers Willa and I picked in the backyard in the rain, presented her a fairy wand we made from a piece of driftwood, and gave her wings (which we bought from a Hollywood costume company online--nothing too idyllic there!). The midwives were there as witnesses.

Here's photos from this and other recent events, including Jem at 8 weeks. (At his six week postpartum visit he weighed almost 12 lbs.--he's huge, and starting to hold his head up really well. But no smiles-on-purpose yet...we're waiting and hoping maybe the first one will come on Father's Day tomorrow.)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

more Jem

This is what Jem looks like awake, which he is more and more often lately. Five weeks old!